Desiderata: A Life Filled with Compassion, Courage, and Self-discovery
A timelessly well-known prose poem of Max Ehrmann, "Desiderata", written in 1927 that provides a set of principles for leading a fulfilling and contented life. It emphasizes the importance of authenticity, compassion, and inner peace, and encourages us to focus on the present moment while striving for excellence in our pursuits. The word "desiderata" means "desired things" in Latin dictionary. The poem also urges us to avoid comparing ourselves to others and to develop resilience and strength to overcome life's challenges. |
I can clearly remember the first time 'Desiderata' was introduced to us by our Advanced English teacher, Mrs. Marycel Ocon. She instructed us to perform the poem as a whole section in a verse choir. That night, after hearing the poem, I began to read and tried to comprehend its significance. It was then that I fell in love with the poem.
I recited the poem countless of times, but it wouldn't change the excitement that I felt knowing that I memorized the whole poem to the core of my soul. The fact that it is already deeply rooted in my subconscious mind for it holds so much meaning and angle to interpret each line in every stanza. It is indeed life-changing if you make an effort to apply all the lessons and wisdom in reality.
The last line of the 9th stanza, "And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should" played in a loop inside my visionary mind. Personally, that phrase was my favorite line that I love to recite on endless repeat. It suggests a sense of acceptance and trust in the natural order of things in life. It implies that everything is happening according to predetermined plan or purpose, that there is a sense of order and balance in existence. The interpretation of this phrase may vary depending on one's personal beliefs or philosophical outlook. It could be perceived as a reference to a transcendental force or divine blueprint, serving as an affirmation of the organic processes that govern the universe. |
In the context of Max Ehrmann's poem, the expression "no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should" serves as a reminder that, in spite of the trials and uncertainties of life, we can attain serenity and contentment by embracing the present moment and having faith in the greater good. It encourages us to let go of our worries and fears, and to trust that all things will ultimately transpire for the best.
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